

Fil.mag. i Biologi 2001 vid Linköpings universitet, Sverige.
Fil.dr i Ekologi 2007 vid Linköpings universitet, Sverige.


Mitt huvudintresse inom forskningen är växtekologi i vid mening och min forskning behandlar frågeställningen "vilka miljömässiga omständigheter leder till en viss respons hos växter och vilka är de miljömässiga begränsningarna för att den responsen alls ska uttryckas". Mina forskningsprojekt handlar om arter som förekommer som ogräs, arter som används som grödor och arter som endast förekommer i vår naturliga miljö.

Exempel på forskningsprojekt

Engagemang i undervisning

Jag är intresserad av undervisning, och har huvudsakligen undervisat på universitet (Wolaita Sodo University i Etiopien, Linköpings universitet och Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet i Uppsala), men mina erfarenheter inkluderar även grundskoleelever på prao, handledning av gymnasister under projektarbeten och exkursioner med allmänheten. Min undervisningserfarenhet omfattar alla möjliga gruppstorlekar, från individuell handledning till föreläsningar för hundratals studenter. Jag strävar efter att stödja studenter i deras eget lärande inom ämnet och uppmuntrar dem att kritiskt värdera information de får från olika källor. För att utveckla mina pedagogiska egenskaper har jag läst kurser i pedagogik och kommunikation, och 2005 hade jag förmånen att vara en av 20 universitetslärare, från många olika ämnesområden, som deltog i ett intensivt sommarseminarium anordnat av Rådet för högre utbildning. Projektet syftade till att förbättra vår pedagogiska kompetens som en del av utvecklingen av den svenska högre utbildningen.


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Andersson L, Boström U, Liew J, Karlsson LM, Magnuski E, Milberg P & Hakman I (2010) Spirehvile i rødder og rhizomer i de vigtigste rodukrudtsarter - resultater fra svenske forsøg. Proceedings Plantekongres 2010, Herning, p. 330-331 (in Danish).

Andersson L, Karlsson LM, Milberg P & Pye A (2012) Metod för detektering och uppföljning av förekomst av arter som är potentiellt framtida ogräs eller expanderande ogräs. Bilaga 2c i Rapport 2012:10, Jordbruksverket. In Swedish.
Full Text

Bosha A, Dalbato AL, Tana T, Mohammed W, Tesfaye B, Karlsson LM (2016) Nutritional and chemical properties of fermented food of wild and cultivated genotypes of enset (Ensete ventricosum). Food Research International 89:806–811. doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2016.10.016

Bosha A, Dalbato AL, Tana T, Mohammed W, Tesfaye B, Karlsson LM (2019) Effect of manure amount and improved application technique at corm burial for propagation of enset (Ensete ventricosum) suckers. Folia Horticulturae 31:171–180. doi: 10.2478/fhort-2019-0012

Bosha A, Dalbato AL, Tana T, Mohammed W, Tesfaye B, Karlsson LM (2020) Early establishment, growth and development response of enset (Ensete ventricosum) seedlings to manure in the field. Fruits 75:153–160. doi: 10.17660/th2020/75.4.2

Dalbato AL, Alfredsson T, Karlsson LM, Andersson L (2014) Effect of rhizome fragment length and burial depth on emergence of Tussilago farfara. Weed Research 54:347–355.

Dalbato AL, Karlsson LM (2015) Enset agriculture as adaptation strategy to climate change. Workshop on Climate Change and Environmental Protection, Hawassa, Ethiopia.

Dalbato AL, Kobza F & Karlsson LM (2013) Effect of polyploidy and pollination methods on capsule and seed set of pansies (Viola × wittrockiana Gams). Horticultural Science 40:22-30.

Dalbato AL, Karlsson LM, Tamado T, Mikias Y (2014) Sexual propagation: a potential tool for genetic improvement of Ensete ventricosum. Wolf J, Nečasová J, Nečas T (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference "Horticulture in Quality and Culture of Life", Mendel University, Lednice, Czech Republic, 508–513.

Karlsson LM (2007) PhD thesis: Seed dormancy and germination in an ecological context – comparative studies of annual weeds. Doktorsavhandling, Linköping Studies in Science and Technology, Dissertation No. 1088, Linköping University, Sweden.
Thesis Overview

Karlsson LM (2010) Germination and onset of shoot growth of root/rhizome buds of five perennial weeds. Symposium Book of Abstracts, 15th EWRS Symposium, Kaposvár 12-15 July, p. 59.

Karlsson LM & Dalbato AL (2014) Propagation of the multipurpose Ethiopian crop Ensete ventricosum. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 108:34–41. In Swedish with English summery.

Karlsson LM, Dalbato AL (2014) Enset: en fantastisk inhemsk gröda för Etiopien. Tenaestelin 54:18-19. In Swedish. (

Karlsson LM, Dalbato AL (2016) Enset research in Ethiopia. Informationsblätter, Deutsch-Äthiopischer Verein e.V. October 2016, pp 1–4.

Karlsson LM, Dalbato AL & Tamado T (2011) Seed morphology and fresh seed germination of “false banana”, Ensete ventricosum, (Musaceae). Informativo Abrates (Special Issue - ISSS 10th) 21:132.

Karlsson LM, Dalbato AL, Tana T (2020) Effect of cultivar, parent corm pre-treatment and sucker size on enset (Ensete ventricosum, Musaceae) growth. Fruits 75:14–20. doi: 10.17660/th2020/75.1.2

Karlsson LM, Dalbato AL, Tamado T & Mikias Y (2012) Sexual and asexual reproduction of enset as tools to increase agro-biodiversity and agricultural productivity, p 38. In: Workeneh S, Dechassa N, Zewdu T & Bekele H (Eds) Book of Abstracts of the International Conference on Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystems Services for Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Development. UNDP and Haramaya University, Ethiopia, December 20–22, 2012.

Karlsson LM, Dalbato AL, Tamado T, Mikias Y (2015) Effect of cultivar, traditional corm pre-treatment and watering on sprouting and early growth of Ensete ventricosum suckers. Experimental Agriculture 51:232–243.

Karlsson LM, Ericsson J & Milberg P (2006) Seed dormancy and germination in the summer annual Galeopsis speciosa. Weed Research 46:353-361.

Karlsson LM, Hidayati SN, Walck JL & Milberg P (2005) Complex combination of seed dormancy and seedling development determine emergence of Viburnum tinus (Caprifoliaceae). Annals of Botany 95:323-330.

KS Tørresen, Karlsson LM, JL Gonzalez-Andujar (2017) Seed Biology and Population Dynamics, pp 85–114 in: Eds. PE Hatcher, RJ Froud-Williams, Weed Research: Expanding Horizons, Wiley.

Karlsson LM & Milberg P (2002) Stratification responses in the late-germinating summer annual weed Erysimum cheiranthoides. Journal of Applied Botany-Angewandte Botanik 76:172-175.

Karlsson LM & Milberg P (2003) Dormancy and germination of fresh seeds of four Papaver taxa. Aspects of Applied Biology, Seedbanks: Determination, Dynamics and Management 69:293-298.

Karlsson LM & Milberg P (2004) Germination and afterripening in the annuals Conyza bonariensis and Conyza canadensis (Asteraceae). Book of Abstracts, International Meeting on Seeds and the Environment, Rhodes 29 April - 4 May, p. 124.

Karlsson LM & Milberg P (2005) Stepwise rather than cyclic dormancy changes explain emergence of the summer annuals Fumaria officinalis and Galeopsis speciosa. In: 13th EWRS Symposium (eds Bàrberi et al.). CCBC, Italy.

Karlsson LM & Milberg P (2005) To what extent can seed dormancy classification be used to predict seedling emergence pattern? Workshop Abstracts, 8th ISSR International Workshop, Brisbane 8-13 May, p. 26.

Karlsson LM & Milberg P (2007) A comparative study of germination ecology of four Papaver taxa. Annals of Botany 99:935-946.

Karlsson LM & Milberg P (2007) Comparing after-ripening response and germination requirements of Conyza canadensis and C. bonariensis (Asteraceae) through logistic functions. Weed Research 47:433-441.

Karlsson LM & Milberg P (2007) Seed dormancy pattern and germination preferences of the South African annual Papaver aculeatum. South African Journal of Botany 73:422-428.

Karlsson LM & Milberg P (2008) Variation within species and inter-species comparison of seed dormancy and germination of four weedy annual Lamium species. Flora 203:409-420.

Karlsson LM & Milberg P (2011) Very slow germination, rather than dormancy, explains seedling emergence timing of Daphne mezereum in cold temperate climate. Informativo Abrates (Special Issue - ISSS 10th) 21:132.

Karlsson LM, Tamado T, Dalbato AL & Mikias Y (2013) Early growth and development of Ensete ventricosum (Musaceae) seedlings. Journal of Plant Sciences 1:11–17.

Karlsson LM, Tamado T, Dalbato AL & Mikias Y (2013) Seed morphology and germination of Ensete ventricosum (Musaceae). Seed Science and Technology 41:357-370.

Karlsson LM, Tamado T & Milberg P (2003) Seed dormancy pattern of the annuals Argemone ochroleuca and A. mexicana (Papaveraceae). Flora 198:329-339.

Karlsson LM, Tamado T & Milberg P (2007) Comparative germination ecology of 22 annual tropical weeds. Symposium Book of Abstracts, 14th EWRS Symposium, Hamar 18-21 June, p 178.

Karlsson LM, Tamado T & Milberg P (2008) Inter-species comparison of seed dormancy and germination of six annual Asteraceae weeds in an ecological context. Seed Science Research 18:35-45.

Liew J, Boström U, Hakman I, Karlsson LM, Magnuski E, Milberg P & Andersson L (2009) Reduced bud sprouting from intact roots and rhizomes of perennial weeds in Sweden during autumn. The 4th International Symposium on Plant Dormancy. June 8 -11, Fargo, North Dakota USA.

Milberg P, Jönsson Å & Karlsson LM (2010) Competition between grain sorghum and weeds during early growth along a water gradient. Symposium Book of Abstracts, 15th EWRS Symposium, Kaposvár 12-15 July, p. 182.

Milberg P, Karlsson J, Wessman L, Karlsson LM (2014) Do differences in plasticity during early growth lead to differing success in competition? A test using four co-occurring annual Papaver. Plant Species Biology 29:92–100.

Mohammed B, Gabel M & Karlsson LM (2013) Nutritive values of the drought tolerant food and fodder crop enset. African Journal of Agricultural Research 8:2326-2333.

Murdoch AJ, Nicholls RA, Gonzalez-Andujar JL, Benoit DL, Davis A, Forcella F, Graziani F, Grundy AC, Karlsson LM, Milberg P, Neve P, Rasmussen IA, Salonen J, Sera B, Sousa E, Tei F, Tørresen K & Urbano JM (2007) Seed germination and dormancy of seedlots of Chenopodium album in different countries of Europe and North America. Symposium Book of Abstracts, 14th EWRS Symposium, Hamar 18-21 June, p 165.

Nyström K, Karlsson LM & Milberg P (2006) Soil seed bank of weeds 40 years after cessation of cropping. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 100:271-276. In Swedish with English summery.

Pedersen Brandt A, Karlsson LM & Wennergren U (2005) Lettuce grown in silver laden soil at two different activity levels of soil microorganisms. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 79:33-37.

Rasmussen IA, Benoit DL, Davis A, Forcella F, Gonzalez-Andujar JL, Graziani F, Grundy AC, Karlsson LM, Mead A, Milberg P, Murdoch AJ, Neve P, Salonen J, Sera B, Sousa E, Tei F, Tørresen K & Urbano JM (2007) Effects of interactions between germination environment, seed provenance and soil disturbance on emergence of Chenopodium album. Symposium Book of Abstracts, 14th EWRS Symposium, Hamar 18-21 June, p 182.

Tamado T and Karlsson LM (2008) Notes on Theories of Science and Researh Methodologies. Wolaita Sodo University, Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia.
Full Text

Walck JL, Karlsson LM, Milberg P, Hidayati SN & Kondo T (2012) Seed germination and seedling development ecology in world-wide populations of a circumboreal Tertiary relict. AoB PLANTS 2012: pls007; doi:10.1093/aobpla/pls007